Nikz Cruzalde

7 Myths Stopping You From Becoming a Web Dev

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I get it. Coding, in general, is hard to comprehend at first. But I assure you, Web and Software Development is one of the most rewarding careers out there. It typically comes with flexible hours and the ability to work remotely.

According to Career Karma, you need at least 6 to 12 months to learn the basics of programming through self-study. 4+ years when you take a college degree, and the fastest way is through Coding Bootcamps with only 3 to 6 months. Again, this is just about the basics. Because learning programming takes a long time and we still need to keep up with the new trends.

Clearly, it takes time and a lot of patience to learn web or software development.

But this blog will not talk entirely about the difficulties of learning how to code. There is something else that prevents many beginners to pursue coding. In our case, Web Development.

Myths are sometimes enough to derail someone’s intentions to become a web developer.

So let’s try to debunk 7 common myths related to web development that I encountered in the last 12 years of learning it.

Myth 1: You Need to be a Math Genius

The truth is: You don’t need to be a Math Genius

Maybe the real question here is HOW MUCH MATH YOU NEED TO LEARN HOW TO CODE?

Yes, you definitely need to know Math, but not at a high level. I taught Web Development to college students in the Philippines for 5 years, and I highly suggest that you know the following basic Math skills:

Basic Arithmetic

You simply need to know how to add, subtract, multiply and divide numbers.

You don’t need to solve the math problems on your mind.

People don’t judge you if you use calculators. In fact, you may use the calculators installed on your laptop or phone. 

Using calculators will not make you look like someone who is bad at math. It is actually a great tool that helps us to double-check our calculations.


Often denoted by the % sign or “percent”. The percentage is the number or ratio expressed as a fraction of 100.

Examples of percentages are: 

10% is 10/100

20% is 20/100

30% is 30/100

40% is 40/100

50% is 40/100

Order of Operations (PEMDAS)

I know you know this already. The order of operations or PEMDAS is a set of rules to perform arithmetic computations.

PEMDAS is just the acronym for 

P- Parentheses, 

E- Exponents, 

M- Multiplication, 

D- Division, 

A- Addition, 

and S- Subtraction.

5 + 2 × 3 is equal to 11, not 21.

Personally, I am terrible at Math. Whenever I need help solving hateful math problems, I go to my little brother who graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Mathematics.

Understanding the problem and not knowing when to use the formulas also makes programming extra difficult. But knowing these basic Math concepts and more practice can make you survive programming.

Myth 2: Coders memorize the code

The truth is: They don’t memorize all the code they use

Coding is like cooking. Sometimes we still need to refer to cookbooks to check the recipe.

“Algorithm is similar to a recipe of a dish. It is a sequence of instructions you have to fulfill to get the desired result.

When cooking, we most likely read or watch how other cooks do a certain dish and then add some personal touch to it. We learn what ingredients to add, what tools you need, and the step-by-step procedures.

Coders also do it by looking at tutorial websites, forums, documentation, and other resources on the web. I have 12 years of experience in coding but I still refer to programming forums like StackOverflow whenever I get stuck on a problem.

So rather than memorizing the codes, programmers can use and follow existing solutions instead.

7 web dev myths - working

Source: Al Power™

Myth 3: It’s too late for me to learn how to code.

The truth is: You are never too old to learn something new.

I believe that no matter our age, we can still learn how to code. Although we may face some extra difficulties like focus, speed, and confidence, we are still able to do it. Our brain is one of the most powerful tools that we have.

They say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks? Most of the time, yes. But it is a matter of how powerful your motivation and eagerness are.

It is definitely not an overnight journey. As I said earlier, it will take time for us to learn how to code, but it is something worth your time! If you are afraid that you will not be able to get a coding job because of your age, more companies nowadays don’t look at their candidate’s age and college degree as long as they have a portfolio to show. You also have the option to do freelancing through Upwork or even projects coming from your colleagues.

Myth 4: Web Development doesn’t make you a REAL Programmer

The truth is: They are also programmers

Just think about Pediatricians, Family Physicians, and Psychiatrists all being “Doctors”. They have different practices but with the same purpose, to help and treat the sick. 

Programmers on the other hand, also have diverse focuses that you need to know such as software development, mobile app development, web development, and more. And these focuses also have different programming languages to choose from.

For Desktop apps, you may want to learn R Programming, Golang, or .NET.

For Mobile app development, there is Java (Android), Kotlin, or Swift (IOS)

For Web development, the most popular is PHP, together with JavaScript, or TypeScript.

Some languages are considered cross-platform programming languages, such as Python, Java, and C#, which means they are flexible to build applications on multiple platforms.

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Myth 5: Thinking that learning how to use HTML and CSS is not enough

The truth is: It depends on what kind of web project you are going to build

In 2016, I worked as a Front End Web Developer at a large business process outsourcing company based in the Philippines. I’m already specializing in WordPress at that time when I stumbled upon a client who needs someone to manage their email newsletters and microsites.

Technically, those email newsletters and microsites are only made using HTML and CSS. It doesn’t require JavaScript, JQuery, ReactJS, or any other JS framework. 

So yes, HTML and CSS can be enough to work as a web developer. As long are you can transform a design into a physical web page, you are good!

However, I highly suggest learning a new set of skills along the way as you grow as a web developer. Because projects come and go. When you finally got another project that requires new skills like JavaScript for example, at least you’re ready anytime.

Always remember that technology is moving fast and we need to keep ourselves up. Don’t be afraid of trying new things. Experience is always the best teacher.

Myth 6: You need to know every framework ever released

The truth is: Go only for the framework that aligns with your task.

In relation to our previous myth, Web Frameworks are providing us with powerful components and templates for developing web apps or sites seamlessly. 

Many beginners are overwhelmed by the rise of different web frameworks in recent years. Categorized into two areas, Front-End and Back-End, these web frameworks blew many web developers’ minds. 

7 web dev myths - webframeworks

There are a lot of frameworks available nowadays and to be honest, I don’t know how to use them all. You’ll need to learn one if, and only if, your project urges you to, but not all at the same time.

Being a web developer does not mean you know how to use all the frameworks out there. More importantly, spend more time analyzing the problem and then decide what tools and frameworks you need to finish it. 

At the end of the day, your only goal is to finish your coded solution for your client’s problems. Sometimes they don’t care what you use, they just needed it to be done at a certain timeline. So don’t pressure yourself to learn all the frameworks.

Myth 7: Coding is only for Men

The truth is: There is no such thing as “Male Developers”

I always disagree with this as I have so many female colleagues that are working in the software and web development field. There are WordPress developers, Back End developers, Data Analysts, Software Engineers, and so much more.

Regardless of gender, we all have families to feed, different interests, and strengths. I really don’t know why how this myth still exists today.

Based on the survey by Laurence Bradford, men and women are equal in wanting to pursue web development.

7 web dev myths - men vs women

Source: freeCodeCamp

Whatever the origin is, this myth has been there for a long time, making many young girls no longer consider this career path.

Web developers are web developers. There is no such thing as “Male Developers” so this field is not gendered at all.

Always remember that the first programmer in history is a woman.

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About the Author:

Nikki Jay
Front End Specialist, IT Educator, and soon-to-be book author

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